Receiving expert Paramotor training, and instruction is the single most important factor, to safely entering the sport, of Powered Paragliding, or Paramotoring. With the right skills, and knowledge, Powered Paragliding, is very safe sport.
At Glide America our primary focus, is on hands on training, that will help you develop the muscle memory, and familiarity with your equipment, to get you into the air, with confidence, and safety.
In just 7-10 training days, you will become a qualified Paramotor pilot, capable of launching, flying, and landing safely, without the need of further instructor supervision.
Flight training, requires a Paramotor, an appropriate wing, reserve parachute, and other safety gear, such as a helmet, and eye protection. You can rent gear, if available, but it is recommended that you fly your own gear. Ask your instructor, for availability.
In as few as 3, or 4 training days, you can have your first solo flight, with radio contact, from the ground, with your instructor. Your instructor will guide you through the setup, and launch process, and closely monitor your entire flight, by maintaining visual, and radio contact with you, at all times. Then you will go through a series of in flight maneuvers, to familiarize you with the flight characteristics, of the glider, by simply following the verbal commands, of your instructor, via radio contact, which is provided either in helmet, or attached to your harness. You will then be guided through the landing approach, and final landing sequence.
Once you have performed 10-20 successful launches, and landings, with the guidance of your instructor, you will then be allowed to setup, launch, fly, and land, with no input from your instructor, unless your instructor deems it necessary.
We also offer several specialty pilot training courses for Powered Paragliding(Paramotoring), including Crossover Training , Introductory Pilot Course , Refresher Clinic, Kiting Clinic, and Private Lessons
Our Paragliding and Paramotor training is based in Tucson, Arizona, and services all of southern Arizona, including, Marana, Eloy, Benson, Wilcox, and Sonoita. For further information, or to schedule a training course, you can contact us HERE